Job Security: 

The reason why many people do not start their own businesses is because they believe that their jobs give them security.

Even if the boss thinks that you are his best employee, you are still caught up in the Rat Race! You still have to work very hard and offer YOUR precious time and energy to work and make your boss rich!

They think that it is not important to think about financial freedom because their jobs provide everything that they need.

Security or freedom

It is true that a job provides us with money, without which we would not be able to eat or live a normal life but a job is something that takes many years of your life. In our jobs we spend many hours, days, weeks, months, years and even decades of our lives to please the boss.

All this helps to fulfill the boss’ dreams. Through your hard work, he receives more wealth each month.

At work you are in the Rat race every day; Working hard to make your boss very rich. While it takes up all your time and energy, your life is really just standing still and you are not really getting anywhere!

Think about this: Is your Job really 100% secure?

In general, most people believe that their jobs give them security. That is what we were taught to believe since we were children… but is it really the truth? No. A job is a very good thing but in reality you may lose it in a blink of an eye.


 Just imagine that at your workplace someone stole something that belonged to the company or a client and that you had absolutely nothing to do with it but you were at the wrong place, at the wrong time… All evidence leads to you and before you know it, “Boom! You’re Fried!!! Now you are stuck without a job. You will have a bad reputation and might even end up in jail. Is that security?

These things happen to people all the time and yet we are brainwashed into believing that that our jobs are a form of security.

How secure is your job really?

There are many other examples that one could make to prove the fact that there is no such thing as “job security”. 

Another example:

Another one is a “merger” or when two companies become one. In situations like these there are many people who suffer job losses because, say for instance, there are five positions available but with the two companies merging, there might be about twenty people for the jobs and this would then mean fifteen people might be retrenched. 

Third example:

 Another example is a company closure. Can you imagine that one day, just out of the blue, your boss might come to you and tell you the shocking news that the company is not making enough money and that everybody has to leave because the company is closing down? How would that feel? What about your children, who would take care of them? Since your job is a form of security, how would you buy food and clothing? How would you survive? This is really scary, isn’t it?

Job Security is Dead!
A job is never 100% secur

Well, this is the truth of the matter; a job is never secure. In this life, where we work hard every day and give our best, we are caught up in a Rat race. We rush to work to do the job and sacrifice our own time to get it done and yet we might lose our job at any time, if one of these things goes wrong.

Working at a job is simply spending your time and energy in an endless routine, every day, year in and year out but you never really get anywhere! Like a rat in a wheel who spends all his time and energy but never gets anywhere!

Well, what about people who work for themselves and have got some kind of professional skill like dentists or doctors; people who have got surgeries of their own? What about a lawyer? What if I work for myself and have my own little shop? Doesn’t that mean that I have got my own form of security? Having my own job where I work for myself does mean that it’s impossible for anybody to fire me, right?

That’s right, it’s impossible for anyone to fire you and in this situation you have got a bit more freedom but it’s still not complete freedom and you still are caught up in the Rat race.

Rat race wheel with dedicated employee, working like a slave every day.

You still have to get up for work every day  and you might even, in some cases, work harder than the average person in an average job because you cannot be replaced! In this kind of career if you are sick, the job does not get done. There is no one to replace you.

 Let’s say, for instance, you are a dentist and work alone in your surgery. You have no partners and work alone on your patients’ teeth and one day, by accident, you break an arm or a leg. You are unable to work for months, so who would give you an income? This is a very good career and does have a good form of income but it still is not 100% secure and falls under the category of “No work, No pay”.

 If a job is not secure and a job is the only thing we have to provide for our families, what then is true security? How can we be secure for life? 

The truth is that a job does allow you to earn some money but true security can only be found in a system that guarantees a lifelong flow of income. The SA-solution system is a method of ensuring that your future is secure for yourself and your loved ones. Our payment method can ensure a true secure future and you do not need a college degree to enjoy this opportunity; what you need with us is a computer with an Internet connection and a willingness to learn. Join today for true security, without having to work at a job. You can earn an income from the comfort of your own home.

Even if you do really love your job and never ever would want to leave it, you can still do this business of ours, part-time. Then, one day, if your boss fires you, for whatever reason, you would still have an income and a business that provides for you and your loved ones!

The SA-Solution Work-From-Home System is your ticket out of the Rat race!

So, it’s a Fact:
A job is never 100% secure!

If your Boss decides to fire you today,
how would you provide for your family?
Don’t allow that to happen!

Work from Home!
Collect R200’s online and as soon as you earn enough,
Fire Your Boss!

This is your opportunity! This is your South African Solution: The solution to the problem of not having any job security. You will never have to fear being fired because you will be the owner of your very own Online Business! You will be able to make money online, working from home!

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