Here’s how to join our Online Business:
If you wish to register here for your own free Personal SA-Solution Website, you first need to become a SA-Solution Member. Once you are a Member, you may get a free website.
The only way to become a SA-Solution Member is to join under someone else who is already a Member. There is no other way to become a SA-Solution Member.
So, here is how you may become a Member:
First of all, you need to get in contact with me. I have invited you to see this website so that I may share this Wonderful Business Opportunity with you. I would like to help you to make money online! I can help you to get a website, just like this one, to enable you to make money online! In order to do that, you will need your own copy of The Work-From-Home Manual. So you must contact me for that.
If you have given me your Name and Email Address, I have most probably provided you with my contact details, such as an email address or my telephone number. You need to check your email inbox (or perhaps even inside your spam box, to see if it hasn’t accidentally ended up there). If I have emailed you, you will find my contact details at the bottom of the email. Get in contact with me right now. I will help you to get signed up as a SA-Solution Member and will also provide you with your copy of The Work-from-Home Manual.
Inside your Manual you will find your unique strong Password which will enable you to register online for your own free Personal Website (just like this one which you are seeing right now!!). So, your first step is to contact me in order to get Registered and also to get your Work-from Home Manual.
It is very important that you have a computer or laptop or even a reliable tablet with Internet connection.
– You must be able to read and understand English, so that you may be able to study The Work-From-Home Manual and video Tutorials.
– You must be able to do the basic things on a computer or laptop; such as to be able to copy and paste.
Then you need to do the following two things:
NUMBER 1: You need to take out one of our Products, as shown in The Work from Home Presentation. If you have not seen it yet, please click this download link to get it:
The Work From Home Presentation

Download the Work-from-Home Presentation
Want to join our team?
The Start-up Fee is R400. This is split in two (R200 + R200 = R400)
Understanding why you pay and what happens to the money:
The Start-up Fee is R400.
-This means that R200 is for your Registration Fee
and then
-the other R200 is to purchase your Work-from-Home Manual. This second R200 (which you use to purchase your Manual), immediately goes to the person who has introduced you into this Business. He gets paid R200 directly into his Bank Account because you have now joined this Business under him.
Likewise, in the same manner, when others purchase their Work-from-Home Manuals when they join this Business under you, you will also immediately get R200’s paid directly into your Bank Account for each one of them when they join.
That is how simple and effectively our System works and that is also how it is really possible to make Hundreds and even Thousands of Rands with this powerful system! This is possible if you are willing to share this Opportunity with others online. You will be provided with your own free Personal Website to do this. Use the Internet as your Tool! It only takes about an hour’s work per day to make money with this Powerful System!! The R200’s are paid into your Bank Account as instant cash!!! This is how you will work from home and collect your R200’s Online!

Join us today and start working from home, using The SA-Solution Work-From-Home System!

to make YOUR dreams a reality !!!

Because You And Your Loved Ones Deserve It! Join Today!!!

If you join this Business Opportunity right now, you can start to make money online by inviting others to your own Personal Money-Making Website!! It’s really fun and exciting to make money by collecting R200’s online!! Get back to me using my contact details which I had sent you via email, so that I may help you to get started immediately!
Join us now to start working from home!!!
See an example of your own SA-Solution Website!
The Sa-Solution Work-From-Home System © .
Work from home in South Africa.
Collect R200’s online and as soon as you earn enough, Fire Your Boss!