As a SA-Solution Member you may register for your own Personal SA-Solution Homebiz website! You may then use your Personal website to advertise online and to share this Opportunity with others. This website will enable you to make money online. All you need to do is share its link online or on social media! Invite others to see your website and it will do all the explaining on your behalf, so that you don’t have to!

All our registered Members each get their own Membership Accounts which includes free web pages which they may then use to advertise online or in emails, social media etc. These webpages make up a full, complete personal website with all the necessary information which they may use to share online with others.

If you are a new Member and you have just recently gotten your copy of The Work-from-Home Manual, you may also sign up for your own free personal website!

How to get your free website:

Simply look inside your Work-from-Home Manual, at the beginning of the second chapter (Phase 2) and you will find a link which will take you to the Registration page to get your free Personal website. Along with that link you will also find your Strong, Personal Password which you must use to sign in to see the Registration Page. You may then Register and get your free website! Simply copy the Password from the Manual into the Registration Page.

You will then automatically receive the full set of all your Home-based Business web pages! These web pages really do all the talking to your website visitors, so that you, as a Member, do not have to! It also includes a Back Office where you may login to learn how our System works.

All you have to do, then, is to invite others to your Personal Website, so that they may see it! If they love what they see and want to be a part of this, you will make money! R200’s will be paid into your Bank Account as Instant Cash every time someone sees your website and wants to join this Business!! So what are you waiting for? Get your website and start advertising your website’s link online to make money! Don’t waste time. As they say, “Time is money!” In fact, in our case it’s R200″‘s!

The SA-Solution Work-from-Home System
The SA-Solution Work-from-Home System
Simply start advertising your Personal SA-Solution website online or on social media and make money online with South Africa’s only true real Instant Cash System; The SA-Solution Work-from-Home System!
Simply start advertising your Personal SA-Solution website online or on social media and make money online with South Africa’s only true real Instant Cash System; The SA-Solution Work-from-Home System!
Make money online in South Africa
Make money online in South Africa


You can only register if you are already are a Member. (Only a SA-Solution Member can register for a free website.) The only way to become a SA-Solution Member is to join under someone else who is already a Member. There is no other way.

Would you also like to be a part of our Team? Would you also like to register for your own Personal website with a complete set of web pages? If you had these web pages you could easily share its links online and share this Opportunity with others in order to make money! This would enable you to make money easily! That is exactly how we are able to collect R200’s online, easily!! You can jump in and get your piece of the pie too!

Here’s how to register:

If someone has invited you to this website and you would like to join, you need to get in contact with that person immediately. He/she has most probably given you some contact details, such as an email address or a telephone number. Contact that person right now so that you may join under that person and get your copy of The Work-from-Home Manual.

You are only able to register for a free website if you have got your copy of the Work-from-Home Manual.

If someone has invited you to see this Business Opportunity and you wish to join and get your very own SA-Solution Website, click below to learn how to Register for your free Personal Website.

Click Here for instructions on how to Register for your own free Personal Website!

How to Register for my free website using my Strong Secret Password


If, however, no one has invited you here and you would still like to join, you may click this button here to join.

Join Here if No One Else Has Invited You