Money and Time
We all need a bit of extra time and money.

We could all do with  some more Money and some more Time (don’t you agree?).

Two things we all need a little bit more of are money and time. Life, today, seems to be such a rush and we sometimes miss out on very important events because we have to be at work. Sometimes these “important events” are ones that come around only once in a lifetime. Things, for example, like your little girl’s first ballet performance on stage, or your son’s first soccer match.

Each of us can probably come up with many important events that we would like to attend but because of  the necessity to work we have no choice but to miss out on it. Sometimes we have family members who are going camping or they decide to enjoy a nice picnic on a public holiday or a long weekend and we are unable to attend this lovely fun filled event because we have to be at work. For thousands of South Africans this is a very sad reality.

Many times our friends or family enjoy a nice picnic or braai on a public holiday but we are unable to join because we have to be at work.
Many times our friends or family enjoy a nice picnic or braai on a public holiday but we are unable to join because we have to be at work.

Many people give their utmost best at work and deep down they actually hate their jobs. Isn’t that just absolutely sad? Can you imagine giving your best for something you absolutely hate? That is a terrible waste of precious time! Yet, that is how most people spend their lives!!! They put in all their time and energy to do something that they hate, day in day and day out, year in and year out. Not realising that if you give years to a person, like your boss, you are giving your life to him.

Those precious once in a lifetime moments that we just spoke of a few moments ago will never come back. You will never again see your child’s first ballet performance. Once you’ve missed it, it’s gone forever!

Our jobs sometimes keeps us from enjoying very important once in a lifetime events.We need to be there for our loved ones.

We can’t be everywhere at the same time; not even Superman can do that.  So, for this problem, we need a solution!

Is this how you want to live your life, until you are 60 years old or retire? Who gets most of your valuable time, your boss or your loved ones?
Is this how you want to live your life, until you are 60 years old or retire? Who gets most of your valuable time, your boss or your loved ones?

Work takes up all our time and drains our energy. We feel tired and wish we could be free and yet we go back there every day! We give it our all and we sacrifice a lot to please the boss… even though it’s horrible to be at work. This is really ironic.

Why, you ask, do we stay in our jobs even though we hate being there? Why do we go back every day?

Rat race wheel with dedicated employee, working like a slave  every day.
This is what life is like when you work for a boss: Every day you have to rush off to join the Rat Race. Like a rat in a wheel, it’s the same cycle, everyday; you rush but your life remains the same. You never get anywhere. That is the Rat Race!

Here is the answer: We believe that we have no other choice because jobs are scarce… We believe that if we are not at work, we cannot make money and if we cannot make money, we cannot eat. We believe that without our jobs we cannot buy clothes to keep us warm and we cannot pay for electricity and things like that. That is the reason we are told these words when we are still very young ”You have to study hard  so that you might get a good job and be able to earn good money.”

The truth is that most people, after years of study (not to mention the cost of studying!!!), find that their jobs make them miserable and pays a lousy salary.

That is when they discover what a job really means: 

J.O.B: Just Over Broke!

They work hard every day, wait to get paid and a few days afterwards have no more money.

JOB: Just Over Broke
JOB: Just Over Broke

It is important to understand that we are not against jobs; They keep people alive. The question is, however, are you really living or do you just merely exist?

There is more to life than just working hard and paying bills!

Are you the master of your own destiny or are you a puppet on a string who are controlled by your boss or the owner of your company? Do you try to do everything that the boss expects of you because you believe that to work your fingers to the bone and to please your boss is called “success”?

Are you free or are you a puppet on a string who exists for only one purpose…to make your boss very rich?
Are you free or are you merely a puppet on a string who exists for only one purpose…to make your boss very rich?

Here is the truth:

The real truth is that while you are working your fingers to the bone, for your boss, you are actually working for his son’s next motorcycle or his next BMW! That is not your success…It is your boss’ success!!! You are working on his dreams and you are using your own time to do it!!! What makes it even worse is that he sometimes even shouts at you and gives you deadlines! Does he really appreciate what you are doing? During the winter months, while it’s raining and it’s so cold you have to get up early to get to work just to work on your boss’ dreams and he, in return for your hard work, pays you a lousy salary. 

Who is going to work on your dreams?

The Sa-Solution Work-From-Home opportunity allows you to be your own boss and to work on your own dreams. You will have enough time for your loved ones and  you will be available when they need you. Working on your online business, for about an hour or two, per day, means that you will have more time to spend with your family and pets!

The SA-Solution Work-From-Home System. Working from home means that you have got more  time to spend with your loved ones and pets!
The SA-Solution Work-From-Home System. Working from home means that you have got more time to spend with your loved ones and pets!

If you work diligently and build a nice big online business, you could spend more time with your children and pets!

If you worked from home, you could spend more time with your kids and see them grow up!
If you worked from home, you could spend more time with your kids and see them grow up!

You could make enough money to take care of them and you would not even have to send your little children to daycare. You would not live life like a puppet on a string but would really be the master of your own destiny. That is the true power of The SA-Solution Work-From-Home System!

If you worked from home, you could see your pets grow up!
If you worked from home, you could see your pets grow up!

So now, honestly, how would you spend your time, if you were your own boss and worked from home? How would you spend your time if you had your own Home-based Business with an unlimited income potential?

How would you spend your time if you had your very own Personal Automated Money Making Machine? An Automated System that worked to collect R200’s for you, online, 24/7, seven days a week and 365 days per year? Such a machine would make it possible to create wealth automatically; even while you are relaxing or on holiday! That is the power of Financial Freedom and of the SA-Solution Work-From-Home System!
How would you spend your time if you had your very own Personal Automated Money Making Machine? An Automated System that worked to collect R200’s for you, online, 24/7, seven days a week and 365 days per year? Such a machine would make it possible to create wealth automatically; even while you are relaxing or on holiday! That is the power of Financial Freedom and of the SA-Solution Work-From-Home System!

What would life be like if you had your very own Personal Automated Money Making Machine? What would you do if you had an automated money making machine that worked to collect R200’s for you, 24/7, seven days a week and 365 days per year? Such a machine could enable you to become financially free and you could make lots of money even while you were relaxing or sleeping! You would be able to be there when your little daughter had her very first ballet performance! You could go and see your son’s very first soccer match! You could take your family on a nice holiday to the place that you’ve always dreamed of! You could go on a holiday trip at any time during the year and would not have to fill in any leave application forms and beg anybody to approve of it or give you permission to go. There isn’t a career in the world that can compare to that! 

The best career in the world is not one where you have to work your fingers to bone, work yourself to death and offer up all your time just to earn a living.

Most people think that if they please the boss and keep him happy, they have achieved “success”. That is not what success is!

Your boss still owns you and still benefits most from all your hard work, time and energy! Even if you get promoted or receive an award for being a good employee! You are still a rat, trapped in the  Rat race!
Your boss still owns you and still benefits most from all your hard work, time and energy! Even if you get promoted or receive an award for being a good employee! You are still a rat, trapped in the Rat race!

The best career in the world is one where you are your own boss and are able to make money on autopilot, while you are asleep or on holiday and it just keeps increasing automatically! That is the power of the SA-Solution Work-From-Home System; Your very own Personal Automated Money Making Machine that automatically collects your R200’s online!

Be free to travel the world with your loved ones,without having to worry about the finance or your former workplace.   Freedom at last!!   This is the SA-Solution way!!
Be free to travel the world with your loved ones,without having to worry about the finance or your former workplace. Freedom at last!! This is the SA-Solution way!!

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